Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Implementing Internet Search Engine Marketing

Every web site owner wants to achieve a high search engine ranking. This is how targeted customers find your site and you succeed at sales conversions. So, it it is crucial you consider how the search engines view your site as being the most vital marketing objective in succeeding with your home business or commercial site.

The same mentality must also apply if you are an affiliate marketer as well. This is important when you are trying to earn commission on the niche products you are trying to sell. Customers have to locate your products through surfing the search engines.

You can spend a lot of money just trying to be listed. However, there are also more economical means available for you simply by apply a few simple strategies to enhance your Internet marketing efforts.

Using Keywords in Internet Marketing

The first such way is take the time and really research the best key words that will be applicable to your site or blog. Your keywords have to appeal to the search engines. These central keywords should appear in your meta-tag, but remember, it’s not the number of keywords you put in the meta-tag but the quality. Search engines tend to ignore meta tags with over 255 characters so this is why you must choose your keywords wisely. Also, always remember to separate your keywords with commas.

The next important thing to remember is keyword density. If some or all of the keywords do not show up at least once in each and every web page, then the page simply will not be indexed. This is how the search engines connect your keywords to your web page.You have to build a keyword list for each individual page. Every single keyword phrase appear at least once on your page, but preferably twice or more.

Making your Website Search Engine Friendly

It is also vital that the website appeal not to the user but to the search engines as well. There are several things you can do to enhance the site t make it more bot spider friendly. The site should be appealing to the eye and have an easily navigable index that takes the visitor to where they want to go.

Here are a few tips to achieve this objective.

- Remember to in put the correct tags. It is better to always use the H1 tag than H2 or the others. You will have to adjust the font size back to normal, but that is a small adjustment. The reason to do this is because the the H1 tag is more noticed by the robot crawlers.It is also a good idea to always slip in your keywords into the H1 tag as well.

- Remember that the bots tend to overlook images when they are crawling your home business or affiliate marketing site. You can enhance your presentation to the search bots which are inclined to ignore graphics or pictures which are 1*1 pixels in size. The bots recognise the graphics are due to the alt tag. It is suggested you use a 1*2size transparent gif. The result is that the image will appear invisible, but will provide almost as much search engine impact as a full size picture.

- You should also include cross links on every web page because when one of your web pages is indexed, all your other pages get indexed in the process. You can put your links at the bottom of your site or affiliate pages. These are not there for the sake of your visitors, but are there simply for the sake of search engine spider bots.

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