Article writing is one of the easiest ways any affiliate marketer can swell and enlarge your website's SEO. By providing an engaging or fascinating article, you can readily attract a score of traffic to your web page. Why? Because it's just plain basic and yet highly productive viral marketing. This occurs because your article has reached out to potentially thousands of targeted readers who also share your interest, curiosity and passion about the article you have written.
Article writing might sound daunting, but it is vital for any marketer and especially those involved in afiliate marketing. Why?
1.You can submit your article to freely promote your service, product or website.
2. You can choose to submit your article to over a wide assortment of over 600 free article content directories.
3. Your article can reverberate powerfully through a vast array of other web sites, newsletters, blogs, RSS feeds, email referrals and can help your web page to gain a much higher ranking in the search engines.
4. Your site can automatically pick up from dozens up to hundreds of valuable links and back links, all of which can only enhance your search engine rankings.
However, to achieve positive viral marketing results from your affiliate product or service article, you have to create something not only relvant, but more importantly, novel and informative. Your article must not simply be some boring sales pitch. Readers want questions answered; they want to learn something useful or perhaps something that solves a problem.
Articles need to be relatively short in length, bewteen 250-750 words, and be broken down into short paragraphs of useful information. Your marketing article should reach out and grab your targeted reader. By including links in your article and/ resource box, you create a mutitude of back links to your site. One thing to remember, almost all of these article directories want a link to a valid site, NOT an affiliate page.
The one problem is that is there is so many article directories out there. It is time consuming to submit an article to so many directories and each as their own little quirks which must be adhered to or they will disallow the article.
The only way you can maximise the viral effect of your article is to subscribe to obtain article submission software. This software has a listing of all the known directories and will add new ones for you as they become known. The manner in which this software is structured allows you to simply input your info, content and links, while it adheres to the requirements of that directory.
If you'd like more information on this software as you incorporate article writing submission as a valuable SEO and viral marketing tool, then you might like to learn more on how article submission software works.
The easiest and fastest way to submit articles to over 600 content sites is to use
For More great info including a free course on article writing,
Justin Brown's Blog